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this article also details the importance of achieving improvement in usage indicators based on improving the operation process of the precinct and the station, taking into account the fact that the “G” intermediate station is located on the Q-K single-track railway site. Based on the analyzes, it will be necessary to develop measures to improve productivity, technical use indicators. In particular, it is required to introduce advanced technological solutions to the plots and stations of “UTY” JSC in accordance with local conditions, based on the study of domestic and foreign experience in the use of train transfer facilities of stations and plots.

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Как цитировать:

Hoshimov, . J., & Bozorov , R. (2025). ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN USAGE INDICATORS FOR FREIGHT AND TRAIN TRANSPORTATION AT “G” STATION. Молодые ученые, 3(3), 8–14. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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