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For study of brain tumor detection and segmentation the MRI Images have become very useful in recent years. Due to MRI Images we can detect the brain tumor. For detection of unusual growth of tissues and blocks of blood in the nervous system  can be  seen  in an  MRI  Images. The  first  step of  detection  of brain  tumors  is to  check  the symmetric  and asymmetric Shape of the brain which  will define the abnormality. After this step the next step is segmentation which is based on two techniques: 1) F-Transform (Fuzzy  Transform) 2)  Morphological operation.  These two techniques are used to design the image in MRI. Now by this help of design we can detect the boundaries of brain tumors and calculate the actual area of the tumor. In this the f-transform is used to give certain information like reconstruction of missing edges and extracting the silent edges. Accuracy and clarity in an MRI Image is dependent on each other.

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Mirkhamidova, S., Karimbayev, S., Muyassarova , M. ., Abdurashitova, S. ., & Janani, V. . (2023). RESULTS AND SURVEYS ON AWARENESS OF THE POPULATION ABOUT BRAIN TUMOR. Евразийский журнал медицинских и естественных наук, 3(6), 5–15. извлечено от

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