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Knowledge of anatomical variations and anomalies of biliary tree development is one of the most important factors of efficiency of surgical treatment of cholelithiasis. At the same time, systematised and unsystematised descriptions of the anatomy of separate sections of extrahepatic bile ducts in the literature are rather diverse and scattered. The aim of the study is to generalise the experience of foreign and domestic authors in the question of estimation of variants of mutual location of extrahepatic bile ducts.

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Rakhmonova , H. ., Shadieva , S. ., Yakhyaeva , K. ., & Rakhmonov , F. . (2023). SOME VARIANTS OF ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE OF EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCTS. Евразийский журнал медицинских и естественных наук, 3(11), 21–25. извлечено от

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