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Trauma is a leading cause of death globally, disrupting immune system balance and potentially causing infections and inflammatory issues. A major challenge is preventing multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) due to septic complications following severe trauma. Typically, after a severe injury, the immune system shifts from a pro-inflammatory to a counter-inflammatory state, which is seen as a protective response to balance the innate and adaptive immune systems. Our research shows that injury activates inflammasomes and primes Toll-like receptors, enhancing the innate immune system’s antimicrobial defense. However, trauma can also cause a "two-hit" response. Additionally, we found that injury increases regulatory T cell activity, which can influence this "two-hit" response. This paper explores how traumatic injury triggers a unique immune response, possibly initiated by damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs), a mix of endogenous danger signals, including alarmins and pathogen-associated molecular pattern molecules (PAMPs).

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Jurayev , S. (2024). IMMUNE RESPONSE TO TRAUMATIC INJURY: BALANCE AND DISRUPTION OF IMMUNE SYSTEM HOMEOSTASIS. Евразийский журнал медицинских и естественных наук, 4(6), 83–92. извлечено от

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