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D.H. Yuldasheva
D.X. Xayrullayeva


The obtained results serve as a basis for a more extensive study of the contribution of genetic factors in the course of chronic viral hepatitis V and C, and for the personalization of approaches to the treatment of patients. Based on the obtained data, the quality of diagnosis will be improved and the criteria will be developed to reduce the serious complications of the disease, liver cirrhosis and carcinoma, disability and death rate. Scientific studies, the analysis of the studied literature show that in the development of chronic
viral hepatitis, it is necessary to carry out genetic tests in making an accurate diagnosis of the course of the disease.

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Как цитировать:

Yuldasheva , D., & Xayrullayeva , D. (2022). DIAGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF GENE POLYMORPHISM IN THE COURSE OF VIRAL HEPATITIS B AND C (literature review and own data). Евразийский журнал медицинских и естественных наук, 2(8), 50–53. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/EJMNS/article/view/3390

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