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This article examines the hygienic features of greenhouse vegetable production using restricted soil in Uzbekistan. With the increasing demand for high-quality vegetables, greenhouse production has become a vital part of Uzbekistan’s agricultural strategy. However, the unique climatic and soil conditions in the region pose specific challenges related to hygiene and food safety. This study investigates the sanitary practices, soil management techniques, and environmental controls employed in Uzbek greenhouses to ensure the production of safe and healthy vegetables. Through a combination of field observations, laboratory analyses, and surveys of local agricultural practices, the research identifies key hygienic practices that mitigate contamination risks. The findings highlight the importance of rigorous hygiene protocols and soil management strategies in maintaining the quality and safety of greenhouse-grown vegetables. Recommendations for improving current practices and policy implications are also discussed to enhance the sustainability and safety of greenhouse vegetable production in Uzbekistan.

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Как цитировать:

Voronina , . N., & Shamsutdinova, M. (2024). HYGIENIC FEATURES OF GREENHOUSE PRODUCTION OF VEGETABLES FROM RESTRICTED SOIL IN UZBEKISTAN. Евразийский журнал медицинских и естественных наук, 4(6), 205–212. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/EJMNS/article/view/34581

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Voronina N.V., Shamsutdinova M.A. Sanitary and hygienic monitoring of pesticide pollution of food products in Uzbekistan article // Uzbek medical journal nSI-1, 2023, - P. 38-44 14.

Shamsutdinova M.A., Voronina N.V. Assessment of residual pesticide load of agricultural vegetable products in Uzbekistan // Bulletin of the Tashkent Medical Academy - 2023. - No. special. issue - P.187-190

Voronina Natalya Impact of Food Pesticide Residues on Human Health NATURALISTA CAMPANO ISSN: 1827-7160 Volume 28 Issue 1, 2024

Voronina Natalya Hygienic assessment of Residues in vecetable products of protected soil Science and innovation. International scientific journal Volume 3 Issue 4, 2024 P.296-301Voronina N.V. Regulatory, sanitary and medical-biological foundations for ensuring food security in Uzbekistan // Bulletin of the Association of Doctors of Uzbekistan 2016.- №4. – P.89-92. 12.

Voronina N.V., Shamsutdinova M.A. Monitoring of safety indicators of food raw materials and food products //German International Journal of Modern Science №44, 2022, - S. 30-31 13.

Voronina N.V., Shamsutdinova M.A. Sanitary and hygienic monitoring of pesticide pollution of food products in Uzbekistan article // Uzbek medical journal nSI-1, 2023, - P. 38-44 14.

Shamsutdinova M.A., Voronina N.V. Assessment of residual pesticide load of agricultural vegetable products in Uzbekistan // Bulletin of the Tashkent Medical Academy - 2023. - No. special. issue - P.187-190

Voronina Natalya Impact of Food Pesticide Residues on Human Health NATURALISTA CAMPANO ISSN: 1827-7160 Volume 28 Issue 1, 2024

Voronina Natalya Hygienic assessment of Residues in vecetable products of protected soil Science and innovation. International scientific journal Volume 3 Issue 4, 2024 P.296-301.