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Climate change has become an important global problem affecting various aspects of human health. Among the health problems involved, vascular diseases are gaining increasing attention due to their prevalence and severity. This article examines the impact of climate change on patients with vascular diseases, including cardiovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, and cerebrovascular disease. Explores how changing environmental factors, such as temperature, air pollution, and extreme weather events, can exacerbate vascular disease, increase disease burden, and impact patient outcomes. In addition, potential adaptive strategies and measures to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on vascular health are discussed.

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Как цитировать:

Rasulova, N., Azamatova , F., & Aminova , A. (2024). IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. Евразийский журнал медицинских и естественных наук, 4(6), 229–232. извлечено от

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