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The article presents the results of studies on the effects of various chemicals on the adrenal glands. At the same time, various structural changes develop in both the cortical and adrenal medulla. However, when studying the mechanisms of the damaging effect of pesticides, possible disorders of the secretory cycle in adrenocorticocytes, as well as the friendly reaction of cortical and cerebral substances when using different doses of the drug, with single and repeated administration, are not described. And there is absolutely no data in the literature on the state of adaptive reactions in the adrenal glands after exposure to various chemicals.

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Ubaydullaev , R., & Islamov , . S. (2025). DEVELOPMENT OF ADAPTIVE REACTIONS IN THE ADRENAL GLANDS WHEN EXPOSED TO EXOGENOUS FACTORS. Евразийский журнал медицинских и естественных наук, 5(1), 136–141. извлечено от

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