
Thoktayeva Zebo Sharifovna
Head of the Department of innovative technologies in the sewing industry of the Bukhara Institute of engineering and technology, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Technical editors

Akbarova Dildora Akhtamjon qizi - Technical editor

Turakulova Madina Nomazovna - Technical Editor

Quchqarov Azamat Murotjon o'g'li - Technical Editor

Akhmedova Maimarat Abdullayevna
Associate professor of the Department of theory of construction of a democratic society in Uzbekistan, doctor of philosophy in philosophical Sciences, Urgench State University
Makhmarejabov Dilmurod Bakhtiyarovich
Tashkent State Technical University Department of mining work Associate Professor v.v.b., Doctor of philosophy in technical sciences (PhD
Zhurayeva Mozhigul Azimjanovna
Andijan professor of Medicine insituti, doctor of Medical Sciences
Khudoymurodova Khurriyat Mukhiddinovna
Lecturer, Department of Uzbek literary studies, Termez State University, doctor of philosophical Sciences (PhD)
Ziyayev Kamoliddin Zukhritdinovich
Dean of the Faculty of automobile transport engineering, Tashkent State University of transport, doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, associate professor
Gurbanov Ermamat Saifiddinovich
Head of the Department of agricultural processing technologies of Gulistan State University, candidate of technical sciences
Kadyrov Himun Uzkovich
Head of the Department of methodological support of the educational system of the Higher School of business and entrepreneurship under the Ministry of economic development and poverty reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, candidate of Economic Sciences
Ibrahimov Karimjan
Associate professor of Tashkent State transport University, candidate of technical sciences
Kudaybergenova Tajikal Kuchkarovna
Associate professor of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after ajiniyaz, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Nutfollayeva Labar Nurullayevna
Associate professor of the Department of technological machinery and equipment of the Bukhara Institute of engineering and technology, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences (PhD)

Sayfulloyev Oybek Olimovich

Buxoro davlat universiteti Ilmiy-innovatsion ishlanmalarni tijoratlashtirish bo‘limi bosh mutaxassisi

Lee Geun Seong

Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya instituti professori,PhD (texnika fanlari)