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Modern technologies in medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases show positive changes in achieving the success of therapy with such methods as: vacuum treatment of a purulent wound, treatment of a purulent wound with a pulsating jet of liquid, the use of a controlled abacterial medium in the treatment, the use of new antibacterial and dressing agents The use of topical treatment with an abacterial medium with a 25% dimethyl sulfoxide solution in the complex treatment of patients with purulent surgical diseases of the hand reduces the time of wound cleansing from infection to 3.0 ± 0.4 days of treatment, infiltration resorption to 2.0 ± 0.3 days, the appearance of granulations to 4.0± 0.5 days, epithelization to 5.0 ±0.5. All these indicators are 3-4 days ahead of those when using traditional treatment tactics.

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Safoyev , B. ., & Latipov, O. . (2023). EFFECTIVE OF METHODS OF TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PURULENT SURGICAL DISEASES OF THE HAND IN OUTPATIENT SETTINGS. Евразийский журнал технологий и инноваций, 1(12 Part 2), 45–49. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/ejti/article/view/24527

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