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The effect of preliminary UV irradiation with light with wavelengths λ1=254nm, λ2=313 nm and λ3=365 nm and mechanical tension on the tensile strength and molecular weight of qyinazolin-4-one. It was revealed that the different manifestation of tensile load actions is associated with the peculiarities  of photochemical reactions in qyinazolin-4-one  depending on the temperature and the wavelength of UV light acting.

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Saitkulov, F., Zakhidov, Q. ., Hikmatova, D., Joʻlbarsxanova , S., & Usmanova , A. (2023). THE EFFECTS OF MECHANICAL STRESS AND ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT ON PHOTOCHEMICAL PROSES IN QINAZOIN-4-ONA. Евразийский журнал технологий и инноваций, 1(12 Part 2), 77–80. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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