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This article is devoted to the study of English and Uzbek phraseological units, including place names. Attempts are being made to identify the sources of origin, as well as to analyze them from a linguocultural perspective. Toponymic phraseological units in both languages ​​are divided into five main groups according to their sources of origin, and special attention is paid to historically connected phraseological units. Phraseological units based on specific historical events and facts are opened and explained here. The author suggests two major groups for the presence of real place names in phraseological units. The toponymic properties of real toponyms in the sense of the corresponding noun and phraseological unit have also been identified. There are also additional connotations of toponyms that affect the meaning of phraseological units. Examples are taken from a number of phraseological and paremiological dictionaries in English and Uzbek. Examples are analyzed by descriptive and comparative methods. Similarities and differences are identified based on the national and cultural characteristics of the two languages.

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Linguocultures. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 154, 130-137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.10.124

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