
Aziza Davranova


O'smir qizlarning reproduktiv salohiyatini saqlash ya'ni fertil yoshda tug'ish funktsiyasini amalga oshirish imkoniyati dunyoning barcha rivojlangan mamlakatlarida eng muhim tibbiy va ijtimoiy muammolardan biri xisoblanadi. O'smirlik davrida qizlar reproduktiv tizimni shakllantirishning murakkab jarayonini boshdan kechiradilar, gipotalamus tuzilmalarining yetukligi tugallanadi, gonadotrop gormonlar sekretsiyasining barqaror ritmi o'rnatiladi. Balog'atga yetishning fiziologik kursi ko'p jihatdan kelajakda qizlarning homilador bo'lish, tug'ish va emizish qobiliyatini belgilaydi. O'smirlarning reproduktiv tizimining kasalliklari, ularning surunkaliligi generativ funktsiyaning to'liq rivojlanishi uchun prognozni yomonlashtiradi. Qalqonsimon bez tizimi hayz ko'rish funktsiyasini tartibga solishga katta hissa qo'shadi, shuning uchun qalqonsimon bez kasalliklari tananing gormonal gomeostazasining o'zgarishiga, shu jumladan reproduktiv tizimning gormonal regulyatsiyasining buzilishiga olib keladi.



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Davranova A.D. Karimova N.A. Features of early diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism in children. Problems of biology and medicine. International scientific journal. № 1.1 (108) 2019.

Karimova N.A. Davranova A.D. Bakhronov S.D. Features of the pathology of the reproductive system in girls in the iododicitis region. P. 112-114. Re-health. Andijon 2020. Issue 4.

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G. S. Togaeva, Clinical And Biochemical Parameters Of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Who Were Trained At The School Of Self- Control. // JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICINE AND PRACTICE SPECIAL ISSUE-2. P-131-136, 2020

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Negmatova G.Sh., Togayeva G.S., Davranova A.D., Azimbegova S.N. Analysis of the thyroid status of pregnant women in the iodine-deficient region. // The American juornal of medical sciences and pharmaceutical research, 4(01), 74-78.

Negmatova G.Sh., Togayeva G.S., Davranova A.D., Azimbegova S.N. Assessment of the effectiveness of cardioprotectiva drugs in treatment of childeren with diabetic cardiomyopathy. // The American juornal of medical sciences and pharmaceutical research, 4(01), 79-83.

Negmatova G.Sh., Togayeva G.S., Davranova A.D., Azimbegova S.N. Uzbek medical journal. // Criteria for physical and sexual devolopent in with thyroid diseases. 4. 32.