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S.S. Sulaymonov
Shavkat Hakimovich Abdazimov
A.Kh Sharipov


The article considers the fact that there is a high probability of emergency situations on the basis of comparing seismically active zones and analyzing population density maps with a map of regions where reservoirs are located in Uzbekistan, increasing the population's potential to reduce the consequences of the flood threat for the population living in areas around reservoirs and discussed issues of preliminary  determination of the evacuation zone, determination of categories of displaced population, the number of tents, their placement, organization of a hygienic cycle in a tent city in order to maintain the life of the population

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Как цитировать:

Sulaymonov , S., Abdazimov , . S. H., & Sharipov , A. (2022). RESERVOIRS ARE A THREAT IN EMERGENCIES AREAS AND WAYS TO INCREASE THE CAPACITY OF THE POPULATION TO REDUCE THEIR CONSEQUENCES . Евразийский журнал математической теории и компьютерных наук, 2(3), 1–4. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 299 of April 12, 2019 on measures to implement the "Program of such measures to reduce the risk of disasters in 2015-2030" in the Republic of Uzbekistan;

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Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-2153 of December 1, 1998 "On Amendments to the Decree No. PF-1378 of March 4, 1996" On the Establishment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan ";

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 27, 1998 No. 455 "On the classification of man-made, natural and ecological emergencies";

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Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 28, 2017 No. 1027 on the establishment of a single system for monitoring, exchange of information and forecasting of natural, man-made and environmental emergencies;

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Review of ICT development in Uzbekistan for 2006-2008 // 2008 UNDP ICTP Project

Sulaymonov S. S., Sharipov A.Kh., Problems of dissemination of information on rapid warning of the population about the dangers of possible emergencies, Scientific-practical journal "Science, protection, security" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2020. ј,