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The article highlights the problems of diagnostics and treatment of gallstone disease (GCD) in persons of different age groups. The data of morbidity statistics for different countries and regions are given. Modern methods of choledocholithiasis treatment, which are currently applied in our country in surgical clinics, are considered. When studying the methods of treatment of LCB and choledocholithiasis, as well as complications arising from these pathologies, it can be concluded that the ideal method of treatment of the pathology in question has not yet been found. To date, for the majority of physicians, the main method of treatment of GIC remains surgical removal of stones.

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Radjabov , A. ., & Ochilov , U. (2024). APPLICATION OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE METHOD OF TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS. Естественные науки в современном мире: теоретические и практические исследования, 3(8), 12–14. извлечено от

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