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This article discusses the effect of the reforms being carried out on the further development of the insurance system of our country and the ways to improve insurance activities using foreign experience, as well as strengthening the economic and financial foundations of insurance, as well as specific trends in the development of the insurance market. will go. Also, the structure of the insurance market of Uzbekistan and the observed changes in the international insurance market are mentioned in the article.

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Как цитировать:

Muminova , M., & Negmatova, N. . (2024). WAYS OF IMPROVING THE INSURANCE SYSTEM IN THE MODERNIZATION OF THE ECONOMY. Евразийский журнал права, финансов и прикладных наук, 4(12), 28–34. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/EJLFAS/article/view/40951

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