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Etiquette plays a crucial role in shaping social interactions and communication, serving as a set of norms and guidelines that govern polite behavior. In the context of the English language, etiquette words are key components that convey respect, courtesy, and consideration in various social settings. This article focuses on the structural and semantic analysis of English etiquette words to explore how their linguistic features contribute to the expression of politeness and respect. By delving into the intricacies of these words, we can gain a deeper understanding of their significance in interpersonal communication and cultural contexts.

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Как цитировать:

Temirbaev , T. (2024). “STRUCTURAL-SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH ETIQUETTE WORDS”. Центральноазиатский журнал междисциплинарных исследований и исследований в области управления, 1(2), 132–134. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/cajmrms/article/view/28306

Библиографические ссылки:

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