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In this article, when buying furniture products, consumers use a wide range of information, namely: they analyze various information, try to find the best purchase option, choose a product in accordance with their lifestyle, taste and abilities. Financial, technical, time and psychological risks are also taken into account when a consumer purchases a durable product.

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Как цитировать:

Musayeva Shoira Azimovna, Usmonova Dilfuza Ilkhomovna, & Usmanov Farzod Shokhrukhovich. (2021). PROBLEMS WITH MARKETING RESEARCH IN THE FURNITURE MARKET. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 1(6), 32–35. извлечено от

Биографии авторов :

Musayeva Shoira Azimovna, Samarkand Institute of Economic and Service

Professor of Samarkand Institute of Economic and Service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Usmonova Dilfuza Ilkhomovna, Samarkand Institute of Economic and Service

Assistant professor of Samarkand Institute of Economic and Service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Usmanov Farzod Shokhrukhovich, Samarkand Institute of economic and services

Student, Samarkand Institute of economic and services

Библиографические ссылки:

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