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Nurmukhamad Nasirullo o’g’li Sharobidinov


Artificial Intelligence and Robotics have a common root and a (relatively) long history of interaction and scientific discussion.
The birth of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics takes place in the same period (’50), and initially there was no clear distinction between the two disciplines. The reason is that the notion of “intelligent machine” naturally leads to robots and Robotics. One might argue that not every machine is a robot, and certainly Artificial Intelligence is concerned also with virtual agents (i.e. agents that are not embodied in a physical machine). On the other hand, many of the technical problems and solutions that are needed in order to design robots are not dealt with by Artificial Intelligence research. A clear separation between the fields can be seen in the ’70, when Robotics becomes more focused on industrial automation, while Artificial Intelligence uses robots to demonstrate that machines can act also in everyday environments

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Sharobidinov , N. N. o’g’li. (2022). ROBOTICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: THE ROLE OF AI IN ROBOTS. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 2(6), 765–773. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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