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This paper explores the critical role of women in enhancing innovation infrastructure to spur economic development in Uzbekistan, while addressing both prevailing challenges and strategic approaches. Despite making up a significant portion of the population and workforce, Uzbek women remain underrepresented in sectors critical to innovation and economic growth, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. This study delves into cultural, educational, economic, and professional obstacles that hinder women’s full participation and leadership in innovation. It discusses strategic approaches, including policy reforms, targeted educational programs, support for women entrepreneurs, and the creation of networks and mentorship opportunities aimed at empowering women. Through qualitative analysis and case studies, this research highlights the transformative potential of women in innovation sectors and proposes a multi-stakeholder implementation framework to overcome gender disparities. The findings underscore the necessity of integrating gender inclusivity into national policies to foster a robust innovation ecosystem that can drive sustainable economic development in Uzbekistan.

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Как цитировать:

Tairova , Z. ., & Aslonov , M. . (2024). ROLE OF WOMEN ENHANCING INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN: CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIC APPROACHES. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 4(5 (Special Issue), 185–193. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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UNDP's "Human Development Reports"

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ILO, Women and the World of Work in Uzbekistan. Towards Gender Equality and Decent Work for All 2020 (updated 2023).

INDEPENDENT COUNTRY PROGRAMME EVALUATION: UZBEKISTAN Copyright © UNDP March 2020 Manufactured in the United States of America

ГЕНДЕРНОЕ РАВЕНСТВО В ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИИ: Ключевые вопросы при разработке программ. © Программа развития ООН, 2021