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Qurbanazarova Ravshana Rustamboy qizi
Mirovskaya Lyudmila Vitalevna


In this article, the nature, the events that occur in it, the laws of nature play an important role in the formation of a child's personality, and the young people are brought up intellectually, aesthetically, physically, and in the spirit of nature protection.

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Как цитировать:

Qurbanazarova , R. ., & Mirovskaya , L. . (2024). TEACHING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN TO CARRY OUT SIMPLE EXPERIMENTS IN NATURE. Журнал академических исследований нового Узбекистана, 1(4), 179–182. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/yoitj/article/view/30475

Библиографические ссылки:

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