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Sarvinoz Ulugbekova Zafarbek qizi
Muzaffar Otaboyev Ne’matullayevich


This paper is devoted to examining grammatical problems in the translation process as well as considering the importance of grammar in this context. The key points of contention for translators are discussed, including fundamental grammatical problems such as differences between language structures. The syntactic aspects of translation are also discussed, including difficulties in translating long subordinate sentences and changes in word order. The translation of grammatical terms such as books and article structures is given particular attention. The use of context and the role of grammatical context in interpretation are discussed in detail.

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Как цитировать:

Ulugbekova , S. ., & Otaboyev , M. . (2024). GRAMMATICAL PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION. Журнал академических исследований нового Узбекистана, 1(6), 158–161. извлечено от

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