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Braille text recognition plays a crucial role in enabling visually impaired individuals to access printed information. Edge detection is a key step in many Braille text recognition algorithms as it helps in identifying the boundaries of Braille dots [1]. In this article, we present a comparative study of three popular edge detection algorithms, namely Canny, Sobel, and Scharr, for Braille text recognition. We evaluate the performance of these algorithms in terms of accuracy, speed, and robustness, and provide insights into their suitability for Braille text recognition applications. The experimental results are presented in a calculation table and analyzed to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm [2-3]. Additionally, thematic formulas and graphs are provided in the Method section to showcase the technical details of the comparative study [4]. Finally, we discuss the relevant literature on edge detection in Braille text recognition and highlight the gaps and future research directions.

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Как цитировать:

Akhatov, A. ., & Ulugmurodov, S. A. . (2023). A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF EDGE DETECTION ALGORITHMS FOR BRAILLE TEXT RECOGNITION. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 3(4 Special Issue), 84–88. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/ejar/article/view/14474

Библиографические ссылки:

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