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Electronic controlled tests have become a popular method of assessment in various fields of education, including computer science and information technologies. This article examines the use of electronic controlled tests in computer science and information technologies education, exploring their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the challenges and opportunities they present for both educators and students. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, including surveys and interviews with educators and students in the field, as well as an analysis of existing literature on the topic. The findings suggest that electronic controlled tests can provide several benefits, including increased efficiency, flexibility, and objectivity of assessment. However, challenges such as cheating and lack of personalization should be addressed to ensure the validity and reliability of the tests.

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Tojiyev , A. ., Mamatkulova , U., & Tojiyev, S. (2023). THE USE OF ELECTRONIC CONTROLLED TESTS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES EDUCATION. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 3(4 Special Issue), 231–234. извлечено от

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