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Only 47 (52%) patients with MG, 21 (57%) with M and 26 (48%) with F were prescribed therapy at the onset of the disease, and it was rationally selected only in 41 (45%) cases – in 19 (51%) with M and 22 (41%) with F (p> 0.05). Of the 82 (100%) patients receiving therapy at the time of examination, 37 (45%) were taking basic, 20 (24%) modern, 24 (29%) a combination of basic and modern AEDs and in about 2% of cases a combination with the use of 1st generation drugs. Monotherapy was carried out in 45 (55%), polytherapy – in 37 (45%) of them. Of the 19 (100%) patients taking CBZ as starting monotherapy, 10 (52%) took the drug in a non-prolonged form, twice a day.
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