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Ushbu maqolada oliy ta’lim muassasalarida ijtimoiy media tarmoqlari yordamida talabalarning axborot kompetentligini rivojlantirish metodikasi ko’rib chiqiladi. Maqolada kasbiy-pedagogik vazifalar uchun nostandart yechimlar topish, tahliliy ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish va talabalar o’rtasida innovatsion yondashuvlarni qo’llash orqali ularning kasbiy tayyorgarligini mustahkamlash usullari o’rganiladi. Tadqiqotda  neyron tarmoqlarga asoslangan vositalarning ahamiyati, Telegram botlari va boshqa ijtimoiy media platformalarining talabalarning mustaqil fikrlash qobiliyatlarini oshirish, ijodiy yondashuvlarini rivojlantirishga ta’siri muhokama qilinadi.

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Pazilova , D. . (2024). MA’LUMOTLARGA ASOSLANGAN BAHOLASH YONDASHUVLARINI IJTIMOIY MEDIA TARMOG’IDAN FOYDALANISH METODIKASI. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 4(12 Special Issue), 765–771. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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Bhardwaj, S., P. K. Atrey, M. K. Saini, and A. El Saddik. 2016. "Personality assessment using multiple online social networks." Multimedia Tools and Applications 75 (21):13237- 13269.

Blankespoor, E., G. S. Miller, and H. D. White. 2014. "The role of dissemination in market liquidity: Evidence from firms’ use of Twitter." The The The Accounting Review 89 (1):79-112.

Bohn, A., C. Buchta, K. Hornik, and P. Maira. 2014. "Making friends and communicating on Facebook: Implications for the access to social capital." Social Networks 37 (1):29-41.

Aladwani, A. M. 2015. "Facilitators, characteristics, and impacts of Twitter use: Theoretical analysis and empirical illustration." International Journal of Information Management 35 (1):15-25.

Alexa. 2016. "The top 500 sites on the web." Alexa, accessed November 17,.

Aral, S., C. Dellarocas, and D. Godes. 2013. "Introduction to the Special Issue—Social Media andBusiness Transformation: A Framework for Research." Information Systems Research 24 (1):3-13.

Bhardwaj, S., P. K. Atrey, M. K. Saini, and A. El Saddik. 2016. "Personality assessment using multiple online social networks." Multimedia Tools and Applications 75 (21):13237-13269.

Blankespoor, E., G. S. Miller, and H. D. White. 2014. "The role of dissemination in market liquidity: Evidence from firms’ use of Twitter." The The The Accounting Review 89 (1):79-112.

Bohn, A., C. Buchta, K. Hornik, and P. Maira. 2014. "Making friends and communicating on Facebook: Implications for the access to social capital." Social Networks 37 (1):29-41.

Aladwani, A. M. 2015. "Facilitators, characteristics, and impacts of Twitter use: Theoretical analysis and empirical illustration." International Journal of Information Management 35 (1):15-25.

Alexa. 2016. "The top 500 sites on the web." Alexa, accessed November 17,.

Aral, S., C. Dellarocas, and D. Godes. 2013. "Introduction to the Special Issue—Social Media andBusiness Transformation: A Framework for Research." Information Systems Research 24 (1):3-13.

Bhardwaj, S., P. K. Atrey, M. K. Saini, and A. El Saddik. 2016. "Personality assessment using multiple online social networks." Multimedia Tools and Applications 75 (21):13237- 13269.

Blankespoor, E., G. S. Miller, and H. D. White. 2014. "The role of dissemination in market liquidity: Evidence from firms’ use of Twitter." The The The Accounting Review 89 (1):79-112.

Bohn, A., C. Buchta, K. Hornik, and P. Maira. 2014. "Making friends and communicating on Facebook: Implications for the access to social capital." Social Networks 37 (1):29-41. cfg Aladwani, A. M. 2015. "Facilitators, characteristics, and impacts of Twitter use: Theoretical analysis and empirical illustration." International Journal of Information Management 35 (1):15-25.

Alexa. 2016. "The top 500 sites on the web." Alexa, accessed November 17,.

Aral, S., C. Dellarocas, and D. Godes. 2013. "Introduction to the Special Issue—Social Media andBusiness Transformation: A Framework for Research." Information Systems Research 24 (1):3-13.

Bhardwaj, S., P. K. Atrey, M. K. Saini, and A. El Saddik. 2016. "Personality assessment using multiple online social networks." Multimedia Tools and Applications 75 (21):13237-13269.

Blankespoor, E., G. S. Miller, and H. D. White. 2014. "The role of dissemination in market liquidity: Evidence from firms’ use of Twitter." The The The Accounting Review 89 (1):79-112.

Bohn, A., C. Buchta, K. Hornik, and P. Maira. 2014. "Making friends and communicating on Facebook: Implications for the access to social capital." Social Networks 37 (1):29-41.

Aladwani, A. M. 2015. "Facilitators, characteristics, and impacts of Twitter use: Theoretical analysis and empirical illustration." International Journal of Information Management 35 (1):15-25.

Alexa. 2016. "The top 500 sites on the web." Alexa, accessed November 17,.

Aral, S., C. Dellarocas, and D. Godes. 2013. "Introduction to the Special Issue—Social Media andBusiness Transformation: A Framework for Research." Information Systems Research 24 (1):3-13.

Bhardwaj, S., P. K. Atrey, M. K. Saini, and A. El Saddik. 2016. "Personality assessment using multiple online social networks." Multimedia Tools and Applications 75 (21):13237-13269.

Blankespoor, E., G. S. Miller, and H. D. White. 2014. "The role of dissemination in market liquidity: Evidence from firms’ use of Twitter." The The The Accounting Review 89 (1):79-112.

Bohn, A., C. Buchta, K. Hornik, and P. Maira. 2014. "Making friends and communicating on Facebook: Implications for the access to social capital." Social Networks 37 (1):29-41.

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Buettner, R., and K. Buettner. 2016. "A Systematic Literature Review of Twitter Research from a Socio-Political Revolution Perspective." 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Koloa, HI. Chiang, J. K.-H., and H.-Y. Suen. 2015. "Self-presentation and hiring recommendations in online communities: Lessons from LinkedIn." Computers in Human Behavior 48:516-524.

Curtis, A., V. J. Richardson, and R. Schmardebeck. 2014. "Investor Attention and the Pricing of Earnings News." SSRN, Last Modified July 16, accessed October 15. da Silva, N. F. F., E. R. Hruschka, and E. R. Hruschka Jr. 2014. "Tweet sentiment analysis with classifier ensembles." Decision Support Systems 66 (0):170-179

Buettner, R., and K. Buettner. 2016. "A Systematic Literature Review of Twitter Research from a Socio-Political Revolution Perspective." 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Koloa, HI. Chiang, J. K.-H., and H.-Y. Suen. 2015. "Self-presentation and hiring recommendations in online communities: Lessons from LinkedIn." Computers in Human Behavior 48:516-524.

Curtis, A., V. J. Richardson, and R. Schmardebeck. 2014. "Investor Attention and the Pricing of Earnings News." SSRN, Last Modified July 16, accessed October 15. da Silva, N. F. F., E. R. Hruschka, and E. R. Hruschka Jr. 2014. "Tweet sentiment analysis with classifier ensembles." Decision Support Systems 66 (0):170-179

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