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Slang may be used by members of a particular profession, such as musicians, surgeons, soldiers, or sailors, but it doesn't really have anything to do with reputation or rank. This suggests that slang is a unit that is simpler to comprehend than jargon. Jargon is a term used in a profession whose meaning can only be understood by those who work in that industry. Unlike slang and jargon, which are made up of randomly chosen mutated components of one or more natural languages of a very small and restricted professional or social group, argot is a special criminal language. Slang is often replenished with vocabulary borrowed from other professional groups. Unfortunately, there are a lot of words included in the student slang from the lexicon of drug addicts, which in turn partly indicates that this particular segment of the population is a behavioral guide for a certain part of the students. In addition, about 30% of the words in student slang are taboo vocabulary related to sex.

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How to Cite:

Nazarova , N. . (2023). SLANG ANTHROPONYMS IN THE UZBEK LANGUAGE. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research, 3(5 Part 3), 186–189. Retrieved from


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