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English Language Teaching is one of the key subjects for language students and a long-lasting interest for language professionals. Nowadays the profession of a language teacher is becoming more and more prestigious. Our society is keen on studying foreign languages because it gives people, children first of all, a competitive educational and professional advantage. Language teaching has undergone amazing change in the last decades: from teacher-centered classrooms to individualized learning, from grammar-translation method to communicative approach and from the chalkboard to the Internet, we have come a long way. Methods of foreign language teaching as a science deals with teaching methodology that helps language practitioner make learners acquire the target language. The object of the science is the educational process, the process of teacher-student interaction, which includes teacher‘s activity, students ‘activity and classroom management.

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How to Cite:

Musurmonova , S. . (2024). THE ROLE OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING IN DEVELOPING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research, 4(7 (Special Issue), 164–170. Retrieved from


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