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This article examines the importance of teaching physics in the field of pharmaceutical education and its place in the educational process. In the field of pharmaceuticals, knowledge of physics is necessary for the effective development, preparation and study of the effect of drugs on the body. Physics especially plays an important role in understanding drug substances and their physical properties, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic processes. The article analyzes the practical importance of physics in the field of pharmaceuticals, the development of new technologies, the determination of the quality of drugs, the development of diagnostic methods and the development of effective treatment methods. Teaching physics in pharmaceutical education provides students not only with theoretical knowledge, but also with practical skills, which helps them to carry out their professional activities effectively and qualitatively. The article also shows that the integration of physics in pharmaceutical education promotes scientific research and innovation.

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Berdiyeva , M. (2024). FARMATSEVTIKA TA’LIM SOHASIDA FIZIKA O’QITISHNING AHAMIYATI. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research, 4(11 Special Issue), 14–17. Retrieved from


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