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There are vivid differences among cultures in terms of social norms, cultural beliefs, pragmalinguistic and behaviour patterns.Being the two different cultures, Uzbek EFL learners feel challenges when they communicate in English, especially with socio-pragmatic variations. Therefore, cultural function, norms and different speech acts of the target language should be incorporated into language teaching. In this paper, particular type of speech act- compliments are chosen to show how to integrate culture in foreign language teaching. With the help of sample Unit lesson plan, certain ways, techniques, and some appropriate activities of teaching compliments implicitly will be provided. It is aimed to cover all topics, functions, strategies of compliments and compliment responses through three lessons. The EFL teachers can modify the given sample tasks taking the needs and interests of their target audience.

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Sadriyeva Gulvisar Sodiq qizi. (2021). IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING COMPLIMENTS IN THE EFL CLASSROOM. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 1(9), 485–489. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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