This article discusses the role of motivation as it is an influential factor in teaching a foreign language. The success of learning depends on whether or not the learners are motivated. Motivation drives learners in reaching learning goals. Without student motivation, there is no pulse; there is no life in the class. When we learn to incorporate direct approaches to generating
student motivation in our teaching, we will become happier and more successful teachers. The issue of motivation is so important that other considerations about teaching methodology seem to pale in comparison. It is important to think about motivation as the essence of language teaching because of the stark realities of learning foreign languages for most of our students.
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Leila Anjomshoa, Firooz Sadighi. The Importance of Motivation in Second Language Acquisition International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2015, PP 126-137]
Касаткина Н.Н. Формирования мотивации изучения иностранного языка у студентов неязыковых специальностей. Дисс. канд .пед наук Ярославль 2003.