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This article is aimed at methodological analysis and identification of the most pressing issues related to teaching a foreign language in educational institutions. Teaching foreign languages in the era of globalization has its own characteristics and problems: first of all, it is a change in the content of teaching a foreign language, methods and means of teaching in accordance with the requirements of modern society. The most important and relevant aspect of effective foreign language teaching in our time is the use of Internet information resources, their integration into the educational process for the productive solution of a number of didactic tasks in the classroom. Learning a foreign language in modern realities should be carried out in the course of performing productive types of work - listening to foreign language speech, reading texts, writing and speaking. All these activities are considered not as an end in themselves, but as a way for students to solve specific personally important problems and tasks.

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N.B., B. . (2022). METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF MASTERING FOREIGN LANGUAGE . Евразийский журнал социальных наук, философии и культуры, 2(3), 146–150. извлечено от

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