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It is known that the creator of a person's life goals is his life philosophy, goals create ideas, and ideas create the driving force of a certain society – ideology. Based on this, in this research, the life philosophy of the people of Central Asia, which has been formed over the years, and its place in the formation of today's ideology, the interdependence and importance of philosophy and ideology, as well as the role of the people of Central Asia in the fight against foreign ideologies that are growing among the masses today. It talks about the importance of a pure approach...

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Как цитировать:

Khayridinov, A. . (2023). IDEOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF CENTRAL ASIAN PHILOSOPHY. Евразийский журнал социальных наук, философии и культуры, 3(8), 7–11. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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