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Learning a foreign language includes many different stages, one of which is learning and acquiring lexical knowledge. In linguistics, the term lexicon refers to the complete set of all possible worlds in a language, or to a specific set of words grouped according to certain specific linguistic criteria. There are several types of lexical groups. We will introduce the specific features of these types in this article. The basic building blocks of the following language skills are mainly lexis and grammar. These include speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

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Как цитировать:

Bo’ronova , M. ., & Mirzayeva , G. . (2022). SPECIFY HOW LEXIS IS GROUPED. Евразийский журнал социальных наук, философии и культуры, 2(13), 307–308. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/ejsspc/article/view/7975

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In your ESL Classroom by Camille Turner.

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