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Zulfizar Saidova


The research results represent an overview of modern digital tools in a foreign language, tested in classroom and independent work of students, as well as an analysis of the relationship between the use of multimedia and improving the efficiency of teaching foreign languages. The article examines the educational potential and advantages of using digital technologies in teaching foreign languages ​​in a higher educational institution of a non-linguistic profile. The method-containing result includes recommendations on the methodology for integrating digital technologies into the educational process for organizing classroom work and independent work  of students when teaching a foreign language at a university.

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Как цитировать:

Saidova , Z. . (2023). PRACTICAL ASSIMILATION OF DIGITAL TOOLS AND MATERIALS BY TEACHERS AND STUDENTS IN MODERN EDUCATION. Евразийский журнал социальных наук, философии и культуры, 3(1 Part 1), 51–55. извлечено от

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