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Nowadays, the problem of developing creative abilities in adolescents is especially relevant in the process of teaching English. In the modern context of the pedagogical process of secondary schools, this is an important scientific problem of historical, ethnic, cultural and socio-pedagogical significance. One of the main tasks of educators is to know in which direction the student learns quickly, in which method he is interested and motivated in learning, in which direction he wants to study. Being able to engage the student also depends on the skill of the educator. Knowing the opinion of the student, working with them in a friendly way, what methods and directions to use in learning English should also be done using appropriate methods.

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Как цитировать:

Uchkunovich, A. H. ., & Akmalovna, G. S. . (2022). TEACHİNG ENGLİSH İN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS THROUGH 4 METHODS: AUDİTORY, KİNESTHETİC, READİNG WRİTİNG AND VİSUAL. Прикладные науки в современном мире: проблемы и решения, 1(4), 26–31. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/zdaf/article/view/736

Библиографические ссылки:

Goal-Driven Lesson Planning for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages .Authors: Marnie Reed, Christina Michaud -2010

Teacher Education across Minority-Serving Institutions: Programs, Policies ...Emery Petchauer, ‎Lynnette Mawhinney · 2017

Teaching English Language Learners Through Technology.Tony Erben, ‎Ruth Ban, ‎Martha Castañeda · 2008

The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning .Kevin C. Costley, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Curriculum & Instruction Arkansas Tech University.kcostley@atu.edu .Date of Publication: October 30, 2014

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2022

Mongush Alena, an English teacher at MBOU Sheminskaya Secondary School in the Republic of Tuva.Article about Use of innovative technologies in English lessons. Innovative technologies in foreign language teaching Innovations in English language learning as a methodological problem


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