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Writing is taught to children as they start school from the very first grade despite the fact it still has been difficult for teachers to teach writing to intermediate or IELTS candidates in both online and face-to-face atmosphere. Writing helps learners to express their ideas in the form of recounts, narratives, procedures, descriptive, news items, reports, analytical expositions, spoofs, explanations, discussions, and reviews in one’s routine. Multiple factors prevent teachers from conducting their writing lessons online successfully. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, teaching online has become very common and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of teachers has become an important talk topic. Research has proven that teaching online is a new method and not all teachers are familiar with it despite being it the fact, that teachers are getting acquainted with it and sooner it will be easier for teachers to teach and learners to learn online. Moreover, this article shed light on the key qualities of online teachers who intend to teach writing to intermediate level learners as well as IELTS candidates.

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SMBM , A., & Ounissi, A. (2024). ISSUES EFL TEACHERS ENCOUNTER IN TEACHING WRITING ONLINE TO INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OR IELTS STUDENTS. Наука и технология в современном мире, 3(1), 32–36. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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