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Ushbu maqola universitetda elektron ta’limni tashkil etishning pedagogik konsepsiyasini ishlab chiqishda aksiologik va madaniy uslubiy va individual ta’lim, tizim, texnologik va axborot uslubiy yondashuvlar universitetning virtual ta’lim makonini tashkil etish usullariga oid masalalar yoritilgan

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Xasanov , A. ., Primkulova , A. ., & Asadullaeva , M. . (2024). ELKETRON TA’LIMNI TASHKIL ETISHDA METODOLOGIK YONDASHUVLAR. Наука и технология в современном мире, 3(7), 47–49. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/zdift/article/view/33747

Библиографические ссылки:

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