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The article highlights the main issues related to the formation of creativity among primary school students. Teaching art subjects, in particular art and music lessons in the context of teaching spirituality, is one of the fundamental knowledge acquired in secondary schools. The disciplines of art determine the direction in the development of the environment, based on such concepts of universal human values ​​as philanthropy and morality, which are more capaciously and clearly explained by objects of art. At the same time, educating elementary school students in the beginnings of fine arts and the art of music play a major role in mastering the concept of spirituality and morality. Also in the formation of creativity, the need to be vigilant in correctly mastering a given subject is a key approach when teaching various subjects

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Shakirov, A. . (2024). FORMATION OF CREATIVITY IN PRIMARY CLASSES. Наука и технология в современном мире, 3(8), 8–9. извлечено от

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