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Metabolic processes in the human body continuously lead to the formation of acids and, to a lesser extent, to the formation of bases. The hydrogen ion (H+) is particularly reactive; it binds to negatively charged proteins and, if present in high concentration, changes their overall charge, configuration and function.

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Marufov , S. (2024). PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ACID-BASE BALANCE. Инновационные исследования в современном мире: теория и практика, 3(5), 139–140. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

Pathological physiology. Textbook for medical students. /Under edited by V.Yu. Shanin - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Special Literature",1998.

Pathological physiology. Textbook for medical students. /Under Edited by N.N. Zaiko. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Kyiv: Vishcha school, 2002.

Pathological physiology. Textbook for dental faculties medical universities. /Ed. A.I. Volozhina, G.V. Poryadina, - M.: MEDpress,1998

Pathophysiology /Ed. P.F. Litvitsky. – Ed. GEOTAR-MED, 2002

Pathological physiology. Collection of lectures, ed. A.P. Yastrebova,Ekaterinburg, 1996