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The article explores the similarities and differences between the grammatical systems of English and Uzbek languages. It highlights how English, an analytical-flexive language, relies on strict word order and auxiliary verbs to express grammatical relationships, whereas Uzbek, an agglutinative language, extensively employs suffixes and inflections. By examining syntax, morphology, verb conjugation, and case systems, the study provides insights into how the structural contrasts between these languages influence communication. The research underscores the universal principles of language while emphasizing the unique cultural and historical developments reflected in their grammars. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding these differences for linguists, teachers, and language learners.

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Как цитировать:

Po’latova , S. . (2025). EXPLORING SIMILARITIES IN GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES. Инновационные исследования в современном мире: теория и практика, 4(3), 141–143. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/zdit/article/view/43960

Библиографические ссылки:

Crystal, D. (2003). English Grammar: A University Course. Routledge.

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Atamurodova Feruza Tashmurotovna. (2024). THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH NOVEL: A DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE REVIEW. UzConferences, 2(4),353–356.Retrievedfrom https://www.uzresearch.uz/index.php/UC/article/view/681