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The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of the class. Every language class usually uses some form of technology. Technology has been used to mutually help and progress language learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus enhancing the language learning process. Technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their

learners. This learning focuses on the role of using new technologies in learning English as a second/foreign language. It discussed different approaches which support English language learners to increase their learning skills through using technologies. In this article, the scholar defined the term technology and technology integration, explained the use of technology in language classroom, reviewed previous studies on using technologies in improving language learning skills, and stated certain recommendations for the better use of these technologies, which assist learners in improving their learning skills.

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Как цитировать:

G‘aniyeva , U. . (2023). THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING. Педагогика и психология в современном мире: теоретические и практические исследования, 2(6), 44–47. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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