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The multilateral system of trade regulation is the most complex institution of international law. Over the past three decades, the members of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade have managed to form not only the format of negotiations — the World Trade Organization, but also the rules and regulations for doing business in the world market, including the rules for granting subsidies. However, the further development of the organization is undergoing a crisis. The equilibrium application of international trade rules is now impossible due to the current situation: some developing countries, which at the time of joining the WTO recorded a large number of exemptions and transition periods, have grown economically and can now compete on an equal footing with developed countries.

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Khujaniyazov, A. . (2024). NEW WTO LAW DEVELOPMENT VECTORS AND SPECIFIC APPLICATION ISSUES WITH THE SUBSIDY INSTRUMENT. Центральноазиатский журнал образования и инноваций, 3(6), 104–117. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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