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This article examines the detached construction as a stylistic phenomenon in linguistics, which is one of the topical issues for the stylistics direction of linguistics. Language phenomena in English and Uzbek are directly related to language and speech issues. It is in this respect that the phenomenon of the detached construction has its own characteristics in language matters. A detachment is a linguistic phenomenon, a speaker's unintended but additionally stated afterthought. It expands, realizes, completes and clarifies the content of the main expression of the previous sentence. By means of this phenomenon, in the course of the conversation, an explanation that is left incomplete in the main sentence and is considered extremely necessary to be said can be filled. In the process of studying the detached construction, it became clear that its relationship with a number of similar phenomena in linguistics, the similarities and differences between them, are the cause of certain discussions. This article discusses some of the new features of the detached construction. The formal features of detachments are different from each language. We identify all of the detachment in the literary texts.

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Как цитировать:

Sobirova, N. . (2024). THE SEMANTIC FEATURES OF DETACHED CONSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 4(12 Special Issue), 53–56. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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