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One of the economically important issues today is marketing and ensuring the effective management of the marketing process. Because if the goods produced are sold, they will have an economic meaning. For this reason, it is extremely important to effectively market the produced goods. In this process, successfully planning, implementing and managing marketing activities for goods and services produced in a country provides significant advantages to that country. With successful marketing management, first of all, the recognition of goods and services produced in a country increases in both national and international markets. In this way, increases in production volume may occur due to increases in demand. This allows economic vitality to increase and economic growth to occur. In addition, the successful implementation of management strategies for marketing goods produced in the country in international markets contributes to the increase in export volume. Because successful marketing of products in international markets gives that country competitive power and superiority in international markets. It is possible to say that marketing management consists of four stages called analysis, planning, implementation, guidance and control, and each of these stages has a different importance.  With this prepared study, the economic importance of international marketing management in Türkiye will be revealed.

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Konak, A. . (2024). THE ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT: THE CASE OF TÜRKIYE. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 4(12 Special Issue), 597–602. извлечено от

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