

Mаqоlаdа lug‘аtchilik, lug‘аtchilik tаriхi, tаkоmillаshuvi vа lug‘аtlаrning til о‘rgаtish vа о‘rgаnish jаrаyоnidа yuqоri sаmаrа berishi, nаtijаlаrning kutilgаnidаn оrtiq bо‘lishi – о‘quv lug‘аtchiligi qаmrоvining yаnаdа kengаyishi hаmdа оnа tili dаrslаrini о‘qitish vа о‘rgаtishdа о‘quv lug’аtlаridаn fоydаlаnishning о‘rni vа rоli, bu bо‘yichа yаrаtilаyоtgаn innоvаtsiyаlаr vа ilg’оr хоrijiy tаjribаlаr hаqidаgi fikr- mulоhаzаlаr bаyоn qilinаdi.



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Kunnan, A. J. (2000). Fairness and justice for all. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Fairness and validation in language assessment (pp. 1-14). Cambridge University Press. [12, p.1-14]

North, B. (2000). The development of a common framework scale of language proficiency. Peter Lang. [9, p. 51-58]

Shohamy, E. (2001). The power of tests: A critical perspective on the uses of language tests. Pearson Education. [13, p.13-18]

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Kunnan, A. J. (2000). Fairness and justice for all. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Fairness and validation in language assessment (pp. 1-14). Cambridge University Press. [16, p. 1-14]

North, B. (2000). The development of a common framework scale of language proficiency. Peter Lang.

Shohamy, E. (2001). The power of tests: A critical perspective on the uses of language tests. Pearson Education. [18, p. 102-118]

Swender, E. (2003). Oral proficiency testing in the real world: Answers to frequently asked questions. Foreign Language Annals, 36(4), 520-526