

As a language learner, it can be difficult to find engaging and effective ways to improve your skills. While textbooks and language classes can certainly be helpful, they often lack the dynamic and immersive experience that is necessary to truly master a new language. This is where movies come in - by watching films in your target language, you can not only improve your comprehension and vocabulary, but also gain insight into the culture and context in which the language is spoken.



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Aliyev, A., & Albay, M. (2016). Bridging the gap between theory and practice: The use of films in language learning. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 2(3), 13.

Dikilitas, K., & Duvenci, A. (2009). Using popular movies in teaching oral skill. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 168-172.

Ismaili, M. (2013). The effectiveness of using movies in the EFL classroom–A study conducted at South East European University. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 121.

Kalra, R. (2017). The effectiveness of using films in the EFL classroom: A case study conducted at an International University in Thailand. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 8(3).

Mahmoodi-Shahrebabaki, M. (2014). An investigation on the effectiveness of using movie clips in teaching English language idioms. Enjoy Teaching Journal, 2(4), 26-35.

Ruusunen, V. (2011). Using movies in EFL teaching: The point of view of teachers [Master’s thesis]. University of Jyväskylä.

Someya, M. (1990). On the use of English movies as effective teaching material. IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies, 23(3), 35-40.

Yazici, Y. (2020). Movieoke in language learning classes. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(10).

Zulfahmi, N. & Nikmah, A. (2020). The Effects of Using Movies in Improving Vocabulary and Motivation to Learn among Students across Different Age Groups. Britania Journal of English Teaching, 3(1).