Oral folk art as a means of formation ethnocultural interests

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Aytkulova Guljavxar Shekerbayevna


This article explores the role of oral folk art in shaping and preserving
ethnocultural interests. It discusses the significance of oral folk art forms such as folk tales,
myths, legends, and proverbs in transmitting cultural values, traditions, and beliefs from one
generation to the next. The article emphasizes the importance of oral folk art as a means of
creating and strengthening a sense of cultural identity among different communities. It also
examines the potential of oral folk art to promote intercultural understanding and respect by
fostering appreciation and knowledge of diverse cultural traditions. The article concludes by
calling for greater recognition and support for oral folk art as a vital component of cultural
heritage and identity.

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Как цитировать:

Aytkulova, G. (2023). Oral folk art as a means of formation ethnocultural interests. Наука и инновация, 1(4), 145–147. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/si/article/view/13743

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