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This research explores the impact of educational reforms on economic growth in Sri Lanka, a nation that has undergone significant educational and economic transformations over the past several decades. Recognizing education as an essential driver of economic development, this study researches into the historical and contemporary educational policies implemented in Sri Lanka, assessing their effectiveness in fostering economic progress. Through a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of educational and economic data with qualitative insights from policy reviews and stakeholder interviews, the research seeks to clarify the instruments through which education influences economic outcomes.

Key findings indicate that targeted educational reforms have contributed to improvements in educational access and quality, leading to a more skilled and productive workforce. These enhancements in human capital have, in turn, facilitated higher levels of economic growth, evidenced by increased GDP, improved labor market outcomes, and greater innovation. However, the study also identifies ongoing challenges, such as regional discrepancies in educational achievement and the need for continuous policy adaptation in response to global economic changes.  This research offers valuable lessons for policymakers in Sri Lanka and similar developing economies, highlighting the critical role of education in achieving sustainable economic growth. By providing a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between educational reforms and economic development, this study underscores the importance of sustained investment in education as a keystone of economic strategy.


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Arshard, A. ., & Imthiyas, M. . (2024). ANALYZING THE ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL REFORMS IN ENHANCING ECONOMIC GROWTH IN SRI LANKA. Наука и инновация, 2(15), 142–147. извлечено от

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