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Mashinasozlik ilmiy-texnikaviy progressning rivojlanishi,mehnat unumdorligining oshishi, iqtisodni jadallashgan rivojlanish yo‘liga o‘tkazishda eng muhim rolni o‘ynaydi, ishlab chiqarish va sanoat tarmoqlarining ko‘pgina turlari rivojlanishini aniqlab beruvchi sharoitlarni yaratadi. Texnologik jarayonlarni mukammallashtirish, avtomatlashtirilgan ishlab chiqarish va belgilab berilgan joylarda mexanizatsiyalashtirishni joriy qilish mashinasozlikning muhim vazifalaridir.

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Как цитировать:

Abdullayev, A. . (2024). ISHLOV BERISH REJIMLARINI HISOBLASH VA TAYINLASH. Наука и инновация, 2(21), 98–103. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

Abdullayev.A.N (2024). Use of measuring instruments. в international bulletin of engineering and technology (113–119).

Abdullayev.A.N (2024). A study of enclosed cylindrical and bevel gear reducers. Наука и инновация, 2(6), 148–154.

Abdullayev.A.N (2023). Methodology of problem solving in technical mechanics classes. Scientific electronic magazine "Science and Education". Volume 4 Issue 4 _yMqytgpgj1/view?usp=share_link. ISSN 2181-0842 . APRIL 2023. 684-688

A.N.Abdullayev. "Innovations in the field of pedagogical technologies of teaching in technical higher education institutions" Republic-wide scientific and technical conference on "Modern research, innovations, current problems and development trends of techniques and technologies" April 8-9, 2022, pp. 336-339 Jizzakh polytechnic institute

A.N. Abdullayev. "Universal stand for laboratory and practical classes in electrical engineering". Collection of materials of the scientific-practical conference on the topic "The role of young scientists of higher and secondary special, vocational educational institutions in the innovative development of agriculture". TashDAU, Tashkent-2016, 382-383.6

A.N.Abdullayev. "Development of production serving farms" problems and solutions to increase the export potential of the agricultural sector, to organize multi-sectoral farms, to develop the production and market infrastructure serving them, April 27 2019 TDAU.